Hello curios@s. Hope you have a great weekend! I've been lurking around for some info about hand embroidery and appliqué. I found this awesome page, Sublime Stitching, that I bet everyone who knows about embroidery had discovered it many years ago; well I
just found it and I love every pattern design in it! At some point I wanted to buy the Ultimate Embroidery Kit but I know so little that I decided to wait. Also tried to look for a book at Amazon but couldn’t determine which one I should get.

So, today I decided to ask my grandmother, because she has everything that could possibly exist when it comes to crafts & sewing. Rest assured, she knew exactly what I was talking about, had materials and even handed me a book. So I’m currently reading Agujas Mágicas which means Magic Needles and it explains pretty much what I was looking for. I’m crossing my fingers so I could at least do one project by the end of the week.
If you would like to share tips or show some of your work feel free to do it!
Anything you’re trying to learn?
good luck! and sublime have books check it on amazon you might find more stuff!